Thursday, June 17, 2010

My my ... how COULD we resist her?

We the absolutely delightful pleasure of meeting the GORGEOUS Mia Freedman recently. We had been a topic on her blog Mamamia - - after our bit appeared on 60 Minutes. (You can also see the three-part story here ...)

Both Trevor and I sat back and watched the page after page after page of debate on whether we should have had children, what type of parents would we be, etc etc. Those 'people' I like to call the 'Fringe Christians' trotted out their tired old arguments ... "They need a mother AND a father" ... "Homosexuality is a SIN" ... blah blah yadda yadda ... only to have their views shot down by the many readers of Mamamia who obviously thought that we deserved to have a family as well!

As has happened several times, the RR have dealt that well thought out, Bible-based, "no-one will argue this" argument ... "But they're FAT! How can they look after children if they cannot look after themselves?". This always has us in hysterics ... obviously these people have never visited their local shopping centre, or they need to visit the one in the neighbouring suburb ... THERE ARE FAT PEOPLE WHO HAVE CHILDREN!!!!

We were very touched when Mia herself interjected into the debate, shutting the topic down completely and posting a very sincere and heart-felt apology to the girls, Trevor and myself ... she had never shut down any of her topics before, but she had also never been so disgusted with the personal attacks and vitriol that came our way. Snaps to Mia!!!

Anyway ...

We recently sent her a link about Rebecca Griffin's new book Why Didn't Anyone Tell Me? (info coming soon), she replied saying that she was going to be in Melbourne in the next couple of days, and was very keen to visit us, as she often wondered how we were going with the girls. She also wanted to do a little 'informal video interview' to be posted on her blog. I have reproduced the three-parts here.

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